Tuesday, October 21, 2008


The first time he climbs her hair
The second time
The third


And so on and so forth

But eventually
Silk turns to hay beneath his fingers
Catching and ripping
Callused and bleeding skin
Yet upward and onward he strives
Seeking pain but unable to stop

Forced to yearn
Drawn to return
She is a witch, her beauty her spell
Her mother has clearly taught her well

Soon, he slips
(Stones mocking his fall)
Betrayed and confused
Blinded, alone
Cursed and calling her name

And hating all the while
He still only sees her smile


He waits for the pulse of tempo to shift
‘Til fast becomes trance and he offers a hand
Reaching for her as she reaches for him
Drifting entwined at the music’s command

She loses her grasp and knows it won’t last
As harder she clings to the soft leather coat
Willing her dream to soar or to crash
And slips in his pocket goodbye on a note